Deeply connecting sex is happening for both people that will lead to sex more often, that is more pleasurable, and takes them to deeper levels physically, mentally and spiritually.
Now imagine if you could do this for every sexual act. . . .
Yes, sex would start to be really amazing.
But you may be asking, “Yes, but why do I need someone to help me with this? Shouldn’t I be able to do it myself?”
Well, no, actually.
Some aspects of sex are intuitive, but for the most part, we learn to have sex by watching others.
Wait, what?
We learn everything in life from watching others, but when it comes to sex, most of us are in the dark. You see in other cultures you would have been showed the movements of sex, you would have heard sex happening around you, and you would have different lovers who would teach you techniques (because sharing partners increases everyone’s sexual knowledge and depth of experience).
But we don’t live in a culture like that.
When a woman gets married in the country of Zambia in Southern Africa, the woman of her village bring her items for her kitchen as a newly married woman, but they more importantly get down on the floor and show her how to please her husband in bed- because how would she know anything about sex unless someone shows her????
So we need humans to educate us, and that’s where this class comes in. I want to teach you. Because while I’ve never been married (still waiting!), I’ve had a lot of lovers over the years, and I’ve read libraries on the subject, and even wrote my own book on sex, so I have a lot to share with you.
So join me for this short course “How to please a man in bed (by pleasing yourself)” because there is nothing hotter than a woman enjoying sex and I want that for you and your partner(s)!