If you’re a woman nearing menopause or are already there, then you’ve likely heard the following myth:
“After menopause, your hormones are gone so your libido disappears and your vagina drys up.”
Research has found that developmental, psychiatric and psychosexual history affect desire- not hormones.
In fact, Dr. Emily Nagoski tells us in her groundbreaking book Come as You Are that “Stress, self-compassion, trauma history, relationship satisfaction, and other emotional factors have far more influence on a woman’s sexual desire than any hormone.”
So what’s getting between you and amazing sex?
It’s not your hormones or your age.
It’s education.
Join me for this course and learn:
* Why Sex After Menopause is BETTER
* Why hormones are not the cause of your problem
* How to increase desire by knowing what causes it
* How to put your foot on your own personal sex accelerators instead of the brakes
* The role of fantasy in your sex life
* How to never struggle with a dry vagina again!
* Bonus gift: get a free copy of the Comprehensive Guide to Your Clitoris
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